Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature


Strange Tools: Art and Human Nature    
by Alva Noë

Discussion Questions

1.  According to the book, what is an "organized activity"?  What are the six features of an "organized activity"? (p. 4-5)

2.  Is art an organized activity?

3.  How does Noe distinguish between the various levels of organization? (p. 29)

4.  What is an ideology? (p. 42)

5.  How does Noe assert that music is different from art and architecture? (p. 58)

6. How does art relate to the peacock's tail? (p. 62)

7.  Noe says that, "Anything can be art, but nothing, at least by virtue of its intrinsic nature, is guaranteed to be.  Art is always relational and contextual."  What does he mean by this statement? (p. 74)

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