The Art of Rivalry: Four Friendships, Betrayals, and Breakthroughs in Modern Art

2016 11 November - The Art of Rivalry.jpg

The Art of Rivalry: Four Friendships, Betrayals, and Breakthroughs in Modern Art    
by Sebastian Smee

Discussion Questions

1. Smee refers to Matisse's "rampant self doubt" about his work and need to be affirmed. Discuss doubt and its role in the creative process. Use examples from the book. (p. 205)

2. Discuss the roles of innocence and purity in the work of Matisse and Picasso, respectively. (p. 207)

3. On page 221, Smee suggests some ways in which Picasso was trying to position himself as an "anti-Matisse". Discuss some of his examples.

4. On page 242, Smee quotes Matisse: "A little boldness discovered in a friend's work is shared by all." What did Matisse mean by this statement and how did this relate to the work of Picasso?

5. On page 270, Smee explains the difference between DeKooning's and Pollock's respective artistic struggles. What were they? Where did they overlap? How did they differ?

6. Explain the role of the art critic as it pertains to DeKooning's and Pollock's careers.

7. What are some of the overarching themes that emerged throughout the chapters in the book? Did you notice any similarities between the artists?

Emily HoerdemannComment