The Art Of Forgery

#ArtBookSalon Back To School Edition!

2017 09 September - The Art Of Forgery.png

The Art of Forgery
by Noah Charney

Discussion Questions

1.  What is the difference between a forgery and a fake? (p. 17)

2.  What are some ways that connoisseurship can be unreliable when it comes to authenticating art? (p.24)

3.  Discuss the collaborative relationship between Antoni Pitxot and Salvador Dali.  Are works produced by Pitxot, working as Dali, authentic?  Is there a difference in value between works proven to be created on behalf of Dali by Pitxot?  

4.  Give some examples of times when scientific evidence disproved Art History.  (p.87, etc.)

5.  Eric Hebborn outlined the recommended ingredients in the forgers' kitchen.  List some of them and describe how they were used.

6.  According to Aristotle, what makes an artwork great?  Do forgeries meet his criteria?  Why or why not? (p. 108)

7.  What are the benefits and risks to forging art?

8.  What is the "Broken Windows Theory" of criminology and how does it apply to art forgery? (p. 174)

9.  What does Charney claim is the key to a successful forgery?  Do you agree?

10.  How are the terms "authentic" and "antique" considered, relative to Chinese art?

11.  How is digital technology changing the landscape of forgery and authentication?

12.  What is "Fing-Art-Printing"?

13.  How does Charney recommend that we, as a society, curb forgery?

Emily HoerdemannComment